Dutch Remain Firm on Harm Reduction

Tom Blickman
Monday, February 2, 2009

bert_koenders“We will be aiming for no less than securing the inclusion of harm reduction in the political declaration by which member states determine international drugs policy,” the Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation Bert Koenders told the Donor Conference on Harm Reduction that took place on January 28-30, 2009, in Amsterdam. “We will do the same when, in 2010, the honour of chairing the UNAIDS governing board falls to the Netherlands. You can count on that.”

Michel Sidibé the new Executive Director of UNAIDS also was very clear about his support to harm reduction measures in his speech to the conference: "Only universal access to harm reduction can deliver the results we need." 

Minister Koenders’ speech to the Donor Conference on Harm Reduction 
Michel Sidibé: Why we need harm reduction to reach universal access goals.