
  • spain flag cannabisUnidas Podemos pretende llevar su proposición de ley de regulación de ley del cannabis en el primer semestre del año que viene, dado que la tendencia a su legalización es "imparable", como denota el compromiso adquirido por el nuevo gobierno alemán, y terminar con la "criminalización" del consumo propio. De esta forma, el espacio confederal quiere que el PSOE acceda a la toma en consideración de esta propuesta y cambie su rechazo a legislar el cannabis, pues ya votó en contra de la propuesta de Más País. Un llamamiento que ya ha transmitido en público durante unas jornadas en el Congreso dedicadas a la regularización. (Véase también: Unidas Podemos exige al PSOE que escuche a la "mayoría social" y acceda a legalizar el uso del cannabis en España)

  • us cannabis cultivation californiaWhen legalization proponents sold voters on Prop. 64 in 2016, one of their chief arguments in favor of the measure was that legal weed would yield a cash bonanza for state and local governments throughout California. And indeed, they seem to have been right. But now, many of those very same people argue that those taxes need to be reduced or eliminated altogether. And indeed, they seem to be right about that, too. Nobody could know precisely what would happen, though plenty of people were certain that they did know, or at least sounded like they did. Most people thought the legal market would overtake the illicit market. The market for illicit pot in California is still much larger than the legal market—approaching three times the size, by some estimates.

  • indonesia lgnThe Agriculture Ministry will revise a 2020 ministerial decree that lists marijuana as a “medicinal plant”. Signed on Feb. 3, the decree includes marijuana (Cannabis sativa) as one of 66 medicinal plants whose production is under the supervision of the ministry’s horticulture directorate general. The decree went viral after the Nusantara Marijuana Network (LGN) posted a photo of the document on its Instagram account, @lgn_id. The ministry responded that it would revise the decree because of Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo’s commitment to “eradicate drug abuse”. Marijuana had been listed as a medicinal plant since 2006 because the ministry wanted to help marijuana farmers shift to growing other crops. 

  • who cannabisDuring its reconvened 63rd session Dec. 2-4, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) could – with a simple majority vote in a virtual meeting based in Vienna – accept a World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to remove cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Drugs in Schedule IV of the 1961 treaty – the current situation with cannabis or heroin – are a subset of those already in Schedule I, and Schedule I already requires the highest levels of international control. As such, a victory would be more symbolic than practical. (See also: Potential fall-out from the vote on the WHO cannabis recommendations)

  • uruguay bandera cannabisEn Uruguay existe un amplio consenso respecto a habilitar la venta de cannabis con fines recreativos para turistas. Con un proyecto sobre las mesas del Parlamento, jerarcas y referentes del ámbito debaten las condiciones necesarias para llegar a un cambio en lo estipulado por la ley Nº19.172, aprobada en 2013. A pesar del consenso que existe respecto a la habilitación, la discusión gira principalmente en torno a quiénes serán los productores y distribuidores del cannabis al que accederían los turistas en caso de cambiarse la ley. La iniciativa presentado por el diputado frenteamplista Eduardo Antonini habilita que las formas de acceso sean las mismas que las de los uruguayos, menos a través del autocultivo. Es decir, los turistas podrían conseguir cannabis tanto en farmacias como en clubes cannábicos.

  • uruguay cannabis productionLenta pero sostenidamente, el pequeño Uruguay se convierte en un gigante de la industria mundial del cannabis. La República Oriental no sólo es un Estado pionero por el carácter paradigmático de su ley regulatoria, sancionada en diciembre de 2013, que lo convirtió en el primer país en el mundo en dar el paso hacia el fin del prohicionismo, sino por el desarrollo e interés que genera en el resto del mundo, con empresas que apuestan a generar allí productos para todos los usos que ofrece la planta milenaria: medicinal, industrial, "recreativo" o adulto y alimenticio. Todas las consultoras interesadas en el tema calculan que en pocos años la ola verde moverá decenas de miles de millones de dólares.

  • legalizar uruguay 2013dEl Gobierno uruguayo resolvió aumentar el porcentaje de tetrahidrocannabinol (THC) -el principal componente psicoactivo- de la marihuana con fines recreativos que se comercializa en las farmacias del país desde 2017 y pone la mira en modificar regulación para permitir el acceso a turistas. Así lo informó en rueda de prensa el secretario general de la Junta Nacional de Drogas (JND) del país, Daniel Radío, quien dijo que, si bien no cree que para esta temporada turística pueda llevarse a cabo, se está estudiando de qué manera modificar la normativa para permitir que más adelante los turistas accedan al cannabis e incluso pueda representar algún atractivo para la llegada de visitantes. (Véase también: Venta de marihuana a turistas: medida no sería para esta temporada)

  • En diciembre de 2013, Uruguay asumió el control de la producción, comercialización y distribución de la marihuana con el objetivo de "terminar con el narcotráfico y mejorar la salud de la población". No han sido pocos los obstáculos a los que se ha enfrentado y sigue enfrentando a día de hoy esta ley. La negación de los bancos a trabajar con empresas que comercializan marihuana, el avance del turismo cannábico y los mercados clandestinos surgidos a raíz de la ley o el escaso desarrollo del cannabis medicinal son algunos de los problemas a resolver tras cinco años de regulación. Sin embargo, pese a los problemas, las resistencias de parte de la sociedad y del propio aparato del Estado, Uruguay ha establecido un modelo innovador y ha marcado un camino para otros países que ahora se plantean un proceso similar.

  • Legalising the medical use of cannabis has not led to a surge in the numbers of adolescents using it in the USA, according to new research that surprised its authors and will encourage those hoping for relaxation of the law elsewhere. However, the findings from 24 years of data from more than one million adolescents in the 48 contiguous states did not substantiate fears that cannabis use would rise, especially among teenagers. A paper in the journal Lancet Psychiatry says that the use of cannabis by adolescents was already higher in the states that have opted for medical legalisation. But the change in the law did not lead to a jump in numbers.

  • MacCounA new study, What Can We Learn from the Dutch Cannabis Coffeeshop System?, published in the journal Addiction earlier this month challenged the United States' "provincial" drug policy, especially as it relates to youth. The study compared cannabis use among US teens to newly available data on usage rates in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The results: The Dutch have about 700 adults-only clubs that sell 50 to 150 metric tons of cannabis per year, yet Dutch teens report lower levels of weed usage than youth in the United States.

  • mexico legalizarlaLa presidenta de la Comisión de Salud en la Cámara de Diputados, Miroslava Sánchez (Morena), adelantó que el grupo parlamentario de Morena ve con beneplácito la intención de legalizar y regular el uso lúdico de la marihuana plasmado por el gobierno federal en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND), pero buscarán debatirlo a profundidad una vez que llegue el tema a la comisión. En entrevista, la diputada aclaró que el debate no ha llegado a la comisión, pero será uno de los temas que se analicen en los foros para avalar o desechar en el PND. “Hay que revisarlo muy a detalle, pero creo que en lo general va a ser aprobado, y hay que precisar, detallar, los cómos, ahí tiene que estar la diferencia”, dijo.

  • kazakhstan cannabis field2Central Asia has a great climate for growing cannabis. The plant, which is indigenous to the region, blankets hillsides and reveals itself stubbornly in urban parks. Archeological evidence suggests cannabis was used in Central Asia 6,000 or more years ago and spread along early trade routes with Europe and East Asia. Now Uzbekistan, which promotes itself as the tourist-friendly heart of the Silk Road, is experimenting with the plant anew. This is not good-time ganja, however. A French-Uzbek joint venture will begin growing industrial hemp, which contains low amounts of mind-altering tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry said this month. In neighboring Kazakhstan, an outfit called KazHemp has been harvesting the plant since 2017.

  • The feds have been finessing their approach to vaping, amid outcries over both an outbreak of lung disease and the impact of bans of vape flavors on former smokers. The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on the outbreak of lung disease associated with “vaping” indicate that 77 percent of over 800 reported cases⁠ (which included at least 13 reported deaths⁠) involve patients who used unregulated cannabis-derived products. Substances including vitamin E acetate or hydrogen cyanide mixed with illicit THC oils have been implicated. CannaSafe, a testing firm, conducted independent analyses on 10 sample products linked to lung disease, and found that all contained a fungicide that could turn into hydrogen cyanide, which is extremely poisonous and flammable, when heated.

  • Se supone que los clubs de cannabis no tienen afán de lucro. Tras muchos de ellos suelen encontrarse asociaciones de fumadores de cannabis pro legalización que quieren mancomunar una plantación y dejar de comprar por las calles. Estas entidades acostumbran a ser muy estrictas en el cumplimiento de las normas. O traficantes de drogas que de este modo encuentran otra manera de distribuir estupefacientes. Son los mismos que se pasan el día en la Rambla promocionando supuestos coffee shops entre los turistas. Un fondo de inversión con sedes en Italia y con intereses en Panamá constituye una novedad.

  • canada marijuana thumbThe largest chain of unlicensed cannabis dispensaries in Victoria is no more. Police and provincial cannabis enforcement officers raided the downtown Trees dispensary location, one day after shuttering the company's location near Mayfair mall. In response, all three remaining Trees locations in the city have been shut down, while the future of the company's two shops in Nanaimo is up in the air. While cannabis has been legal in Canada since October 2018, retail operators are required to follow a rigid regulatory framework, attain a series of approvals from the city and provincial government, and source their inventory solely from federally licensed cannabis producers. The closure has left 92 people out of work and thousands of customers without a trusted medical cannabis supplier.

  • australia cannabisCannabis would be legal and regulated in Victoria (Australia) by 2024 under a Greens proposal, being announced ahead of November’s state election, that the party says could help raise $1.21bn in revenue over 10 years. Under the plan, costed by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office, it will be legal for Victorians aged over 18 to buy cannabis, which would be taxed at a rate of 30% of sales – largely in line with levies on alcohol. Penalties for selling cannabis to people under 18 would also be introduced, set at double the penalty for selling alcohol to underage drinkers. The plan also involves decriminalising small quantities of other drugs, which could save the state an additional $250m, due to savings in the justice system.

  • smoking pot3The Virginia Legislature approved adult-use marijuana legalization Saturday in a historic vote marking the first state in the Old South to embrace full legalization. Virginia is the 16th U.S. state to pass an adult-use marijuana legalization law, though sales would not start until 2024. Only two other states — Illinois and Vermont — have passed legislation to legalize, tax and regulate recreational marijuana through the legislature. The move puts pressure on neighboring states such as Maryland, where an adult-use legalization bill got its first hearing this month. New Jersey also recently enacted legalization, after voters overwhelmingly backed a referendum in November.

  • The Virginia House of Delegates and Senate approved bills to legalize marijuana, meeting a key mid-session deadline and getting the major policy change one step closer to being enacted. The bills have been heard and amended by numerous committees and subcommittees since Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and top lawmakers unveiled their legalization proposal last month. The House approved the final version of its bill in a 55-42 vote, with two abstentions. Hours later, the Senate passed its proposal 23-15. The bill “is a forward-thinking, deliberative approach to create a regulated adult use market for cannabis, which will reform our criminal justice system and begin the long process of undoing the harms of prohibition,” Sen. Adam Ebbin (D) said on the floor, adding that prohibition on cannabis has clearly failed.

  • Jindrich VoborilEl coordinador antidrogas del gobierno, Jindřich Vobořil (ODS), busca el apoyo de entidades políticas para su próxima propuesta de venta regulada de cannabis en la República ChecaEn la coalición de gobierno se encuentra principalmente con el ODS, los Piratas y el movimiento STAN.Por el contrario, la propuesta deja tibio al pueblo ya la oposición.El nuevo modelo de regulación del cannabis contempla la venta controlada en sucursales especializadas, la liberalización del uso del cannabis y, en pequeñas cantidades, también el cultivo de plantas.Según Vobořil, ofrece mayores herramientas de control que la prohibición disfuncional. Al mismo tiempo, quiere aportar un programa elaborado que proteja a los usuarios de los riesgos, así como miles de millones al presupuesto estatal.

  • Jindrich VoborilThe new model of cannabis regulation in the Czech Republic envisages controlled sales in specialized branches, the liberalization of the use of cannabis and, in small quantities, also the cultivation of plants.According to Vobořil, it offers greater tools of control than dysfunctional prohibition. At the same time, he wants to bring an elaborate program protecting users from risks, as well as billions to the state budget. "I would first like to agree on the basis of the political spectrum in order to be authorized to prepare the proposal.I would like to create a working group so that the wording of the paragraphs is created and the reasoned report is created by the end of the year," he told Právu.


10-year Review  20 1998 UNGASS  26 2005 CND debate  8 2016 UNGASS  126 2019 HLM  5 activism  38 afghanistan  25 hide
africa  14 albania  14 alternative development  120 alternatives to policing  2 amnesty  89 amphetamine  1 amsterdam  30 appellation of origin  3 argentina  32 asean  9 ATS  15 australia  109 austria  5 ayahuasca  6 bahamas  4 ballot 2012  155 banking  52 barbados  11 belgium  46 belize  10 bermuda  15 bhang  15 bolivia  118 brazil  95 brownfield doctrine  24 burma  45 california  216 cambodia  12 canada  543 cannabinoids  107 cannabis  3255 cannabis clubs  230 cannabis industry  417 caribbean  148 caricom  33 cbd oil  1 central america  5 chile  21 china  46 civil society  37 CND  131 coca  220 cocaine  95 coffee shop  230 cognitive decline  30 colombia  160 colorado  163 compulsary detention  19 conflict  4 conventions  277 corporate capture  59 corruption  5 costa rica  10 crack  55 craft cannabis  31 crime  92 czech republic  54 dark net  4 death penalty  3 decertification  1 decriminalization  935 deforestation  11 denmark  132 drug checking  41 drug consumption rooms  193 drug courts  22 drug markets  147 drug policy index  2 drug testing  7 drug trade  60 e-cigarettes  1 e-joint  2 ecstasy  70 ecuador  22 egypt  16 el salvador  2 environment  38 eradication  129 essential medicines  25 estonia  2 eswatini  7 ethiopia  3 european drug policy  119 expert advisory group  9 extrajudicial killings  95 fair trade  16 fentanyl  84 france  119 fumigation  27 gateway theory  29 georgia  3 germany  217 ghana  18 global commission  46 greece  19 guatemala  32 guatemala initiative  47 harm reduction  348 hemp  44 heroin  139 heroin assisted treatment  80 HIV/AIDS  61 home cultivation  124 honduras  4 human rights  259 ICC  1 illinois  10 incarceration  53 INCB  143 india  102 indigenous rights  1 indonesia  35 informal drug policy dialogues  22 inter se modification  17 iran  14 ireland  16 israel  63 italy  42 jamaica  176 japan  3 kava  4 kazakhstan  5 kenya  11 ketamine  27 khat  37 kratom  33 kyrgyzstan  1 laos  2 latin american debate  115 law enforcement  432 lebanon  43 legal highs  64 legalization  1709 lesotho  10 local customization  11 luxembourg  60 malawi  4 malaysia  7 malta  58 medical cannabis  665 mental health  45 methamphetamine  49 mexico  211 Mid-Term Review  1 mild stimulants  46 money laundering  55 morocco  128 naloxone  16 nepal  7 netherlands  341 new york  34 new zealand  67 NIDA  5 nigeria  1 nitrous oxide  9 norway  18 NPS  10 opinion polls  132 opioids  153 opium  94 oregon  29 overdose kits  4 pakistan  9 panama  5 paraguay  4 pardon  2 patents  18 peace  24 peru  45 peyote  3 philippines  89 pilot project  137 pleasure  5 poland  2 police pacification  18 portugal  68 potency  2 precursors  7 prevention  3 prison situation  101 prohibition  158 proportionality  110 psychedelics  13 psychosis  57 puerto rico  3 racism  29 reclassification  119 recriminalisation  42 regulation  1454 russia  36 sacramental use  11 safe supply  36 safer crack  29 scheduling  29 scientific research  145 sdg  2 security  14 senegal  1 sentencing  67 singapore  7 social justice  83 somalia  7 south africa  83 spain  81 st lucia  9 st vincent and grenadines  31 substance-use disorder  20 substitution treatment  31 sweden  31 switzerland  162 synthetic cannabinoids  31 taxation  58 teen use  43 thailand  78 thresholds  64 tobacco industry  17 traditional growers  162 tramadol  17 treatment  29 trinidad & tobago  15 tunisia  14 UK  282 UN Common Position  1 UN drug control  444 UNGASS  58 UNODC  111 uruguay  146 US drug policy  1192 vaping  2 venezuela  5 vietnam  5 violence  134 WHO  66 world drug report  11 yemen  6