Items tagged with tunisia and cannabis

Item title Description
Tunisians call for the legalization of cannabis [10.04.2022] A group of young Tunisians is calling for the establishment of a National Cannabis Bureau, and the end of the nationwide ban on cannabis. The youth g ...
Tunisia slashes 30-year jail terms for pot-smoking trio [10.03.2021] A court significantly reduced 30-year jail terms for three Tunisians convicted of smoking cannabis, in a case that sparked debate in the country abou ...
Tunisie: un collectif appelle à la légalisation du cannabis [27.02.2021] Un collectif a appelé à une légalisation du cannabis en Tunisie, où la stratégie essentiellement répressive et une loi contestée entraînent chaque an ...
After 30-year jail sentence for cannabis users, protesters demand decriminalization [22.02.2021] A series of protests which began on January 15 in various cities and neighborhoods across Tunisia have largely focused on economic inequality and pol ...
Tunisia's heavy jail terms for cannabis use spark reform calls [04.02.2021] Thirty years' jail for smoking a joint after a football game? Tunisia has seen calls for reforms to dictatorship-era drug laws after a court handed d ...
Le bloc de la Réforme dépose une initiative législative pour amender la loi 52 [02.02.2021] Le bloc parlementaire de la Réforme a déposé une proposition législative pour amender la loi 52 de 1992 relative aux stupéfiants. Cette initiative vi ...
Anger after Tunisians jailed for 30 years for cannabis use [31.01.2021] Tunisian human rights activists and social media users on Sunday slammed the sentencing of three people, all aged under 30, to 30 years each in priso ...
Légalisation du Cannabis : Une opportunité pour la Tunisie? [17.11.2019] Le débat sur la légalisation du cannabis a fait couler beaucoup d'encre et sa remise sur la table est loin d'être finie. La dépénalisation du cannabi ...
Tunisian activists call for regulating cannabis production, distribution [17.03.2019] The Coalition for Legalizing Cannabis, a civil coalition of young activists, announced Feb. 23 at a press conference in Tunis that it is working on a ...
Some Arab governments are rethinking harsh cannabis laws [12.04.2017] The Moroccan authorities look at the issue from the other direction. Though the government bans the production of cannabis, its growth is tolerated i ...
Tunisia to ease penalties for cannabis use [15.03.2017] Tunisians convicted of cannabis consumption will be able to avoid prison if it is their first offence. The north African country has faced mounting c ...
Rights group: Tough laws wrong response to Tunisia's drugs problem [12.02.2015] Tunisia's tough law on cannabis use, laying down jail terms of at least one year, is "destroying lives" and overcrowding prisons, according to a grou ...