Items tagged with tunisia and cannabis
Item title | Description |
Tunisians call for the legalization of cannabis [10.04.2022] | A group of young Tunisians is calling for the establishment of a National Cannabis Bureau, and the end of the nationwide ban on cannabis. The youth g ... |
Tunisia slashes 30-year jail terms for pot-smoking trio [10.03.2021] | A court significantly reduced 30-year jail terms for three Tunisians convicted of smoking cannabis, in a case that sparked debate in the country abou ... |
Tunisie: un collectif appelle à la légalisation du cannabis [27.02.2021] | Un collectif a appelé à une légalisation du cannabis en Tunisie, où la stratégie essentiellement répressive et une loi contestée entraînent chaque an ... |
After 30-year jail sentence for cannabis users, protesters demand decriminalization [22.02.2021] | A series of protests which began on January 15 in various cities and neighborhoods across Tunisia have largely focused on economic inequality and pol ... |
Tunisia's heavy jail terms for cannabis use spark reform calls [04.02.2021] | Thirty years' jail for smoking a joint after a football game? Tunisia has seen calls for reforms to dictatorship-era drug laws after a court handed d ... |
Le bloc de la Réforme dépose une initiative législative pour amender la loi 52 [02.02.2021] | Le bloc parlementaire de la Réforme a déposé une proposition législative pour amender la loi 52 de 1992 relative aux stupéfiants. Cette initiative vi ... |
Anger after Tunisians jailed for 30 years for cannabis use [31.01.2021] | Tunisian human rights activists and social media users on Sunday slammed the sentencing of three people, all aged under 30, to 30 years each in priso ... |
Légalisation du Cannabis : Une opportunité pour la Tunisie? [17.11.2019] | Le débat sur la légalisation du cannabis a fait couler beaucoup d'encre et sa remise sur la table est loin d'être finie. La dépénalisation du cannabi ... |
Tunisian activists call for regulating cannabis production, distribution [17.03.2019] | The Coalition for Legalizing Cannabis, a civil coalition of young activists, announced Feb. 23 at a press conference in Tunis that it is working on a ... |
Some Arab governments are rethinking harsh cannabis laws [12.04.2017] | The Moroccan authorities look at the issue from the other direction. Though the government bans the production of cannabis, its growth is tolerated i ... |
Tunisia to ease penalties for cannabis use [15.03.2017] | Tunisians convicted of cannabis consumption will be able to avoid prison if it is their first offence. The north African country has faced mounting c ... |
Rights group: Tough laws wrong response to Tunisia's drugs problem [12.02.2015] | Tunisia's tough law on cannabis use, laying down jail terms of at least one year, is "destroying lives" and overcrowding prisons, according to a grou ... |
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