cannabis industry

  • medical cannabis docterA subsidiary of NYSE-traded giant Teva Pharmaceuticals has signed a deal with medical cannabis company Canndoc to distribute its GMP products to pharma customers, including hospitals, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and all pharmacies in Israel. It should be noted that, almost by any measure, from market cap to revenue, Teva is one of the largest pharma companies in the world, and considered to be the biggest generic drug manufacturer in the globe. Needless to say, this is a big deal. Beyond specific deals, a few big pharma companies have registered cannabinoid-related clinical trials in the U.S. and Canada.

  • mexico legalizarla2Organizaciones aseguran que el dictamen que regula el consumo lúdico de la mariguana, aprobado en el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados, mantiene una criminalización contra usuarios, e incumple el mandato de la Corte de eliminar su prohibición. México Unido Contra la Delincuencia destacó que aunque la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación fue clara y ordenó al legislativo eliminar su prohibición y regular todas las acciones necesarias para acceder al consumo, el proyecto de ley aprobado incumple con este mandato. Con ello, señala, se pierde la oportunidad de dejar de criminalizar usuarios, evitar que la policía y otras autoridades persigan administrativa y penalmente la posesión de la sustancia y reorientar la estrategia de seguridad hacia la persecución de otros delitos que sí dejan víctimas.

  • fair trade cover sLos cambios políticos ocurridos en los últimos cinco años han reconfigurado dramáticamente el mercado del cannabis. No solo ha habido un boom sin precedentes en el mercado medicinal sino que, siguiendo los cambios políticos en muchas jurisdicciones, un número creciente de países también se están preparando para la regulación legal del uso no medicinal. Tales movimientos son impulsados por el reconocimiento de la inefectividad probada de las políticas represivas durante décadas, que han acarreado graves consecuencias negativas y apuntan a proporcionar un amplio rango de beneficios en términos de la salud y los derechos humanos.

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  • Opposition spokesman on tourism, Dr Wykeham McNeill is urging the Government to formulate a policy framework to define its position on cannabis. Cannabis could provide opportunities, including a new retail market, with appropriate properties operating as dispensaries for the legal sale. “This further gives us the opportunity for branding products such as Orange Hill ganja, as well as a dedicated source of income straight from the retail market to these approved growers,” he said. The UN estimates that 37,000 acres of illegal ganja is grown in Jamaica for each crop cycle, with a production of approximately 66 million pounds per year. Given the estimated value of between $9,000 and $22,000 per pound, this equates to $1.48 trillion, or about 70 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).

  • The Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) is again being pressed about its role in charting the way forward to enable the legal cannabis industry to access financial services and become a part of the formal economy. East Kingston and Port Royal Member of Parliament Phillip Paulwell — a member of the Public Administration and Appropriations Committee (PAAC) — said that Jamaica continues to be at a disadvantage as it awaits the United States to lead the way in opening up the industry in order to address the issue of banking for cannabis. The BOJ senior deputy governor told the committee that the bank has been holding meetings with the various associations representing the industry to see how their needs can be accommodated in the formal banking system, but that so far there has been no progress in that regard.

  • cannabis investingThe hype around cannabis startups in recent years intoxicated many investors. But poor balance sheets and plummeting share prices has made the comedown hard to stomach. By October, it became clear the hemp bubble had burst with quite a bang. The market has lost at least $35 billion in value since March and one firm, Aurora Cannabis, has been hit especially hard. The Canadian producer's shares have plummeted 60% over the past few months. Last year's gains, where some stocks rose 400% in a month, are now just distant memories.

  • mexico legalizacion marihuanaGady Zabicky Sirot, titular de la Comisión Nacional Contra las Adicciones (Conadic), solicitó a los senadores integrantes de las Comisiones Unidas de Justicia, Salud y Estudios Legislativos aprobar un dictamen que “proteja a las personas por encima del dinero”, en materia de regulación de cannabis. Durante la reunión de las comisiones, que tuvo lugaren el Senado, Zabicky advirtió que el posible comercio de cannabis sativa permitirá a México entrar a un mercado mundial de “billones de pesos”, pero el gobierno debe privilegiar el acceso al cultivo seguro a pequeños campesinos, por encima de las grandes farmacéuticas. (Véase también: El titular de la Conadic apoya el uso lúdico de la marihuana)

  • Los medios lo catalogaron la "" de Canadá, porque inversores como el rapero Snoop Dogg y un exjefe de la policía de Toronto mostraron interés en obtener una porción del millonario pastel. Pero los resultados, señala Jonathan Rubin, que preside New Leaf Data Services, un centro de estudios que monitorea los precios del mercado, han sido decepcionantes. "No hemos notado el crecimiento en ventas y ganancias que predijimos", admite. "No es que sea un fracaso, pero definitivamente hay frustraciones". Parte del objetivo de legalizar la marihuana era reducir el mercado negro, pero hoy la mayoría de los consumidores siguen comprando ahí.

  • cannabis industry ny2016Tough times in the cannabis industry aren’t stopping its leaders from going to Davos. For the second year in a row, there will be a Cannabis House in Davos, Switzerland this week alongside the schmoozing and speeches of the World Economic Forum. The 2020 offering promises to be “a little more formal and more professional” than last year’s, according to Jason Paltrowitz, executive vice president of corporate services at OTC Markets Group, one of the sponsors of the Cannabis House. Cannabis House will feature a two-day conference focused on the themes of Davos 2020, including sustainability, climate change, social equity and impact investing. (See also: Entrepreneurs at Davos portrayed cannabis as a ‘gateway’ drug – but in a good way – for mental health treatment)

  • When Canadians have expressed concerns about upcoming cannabis legalization, the government has assured them that the legal cannabis industry will be strictly regulated to protect public health. This promise raises important questions: Has legalization of our other drug industries – alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals – prevented harm from their misuse? Have these drug industries effectively balanced the pursuit of revenue with protection of public health? Has government regulation of drug industries been effective? Canadians have far more to fear from a revenue-obsessed, poorly regulated cannabis industry than they do from cannabis itself. (See also: Marijuana stocks ‘a bubble ready to burst’ | The wild west of weed: will legalisation work for Canada?)

  • dollar cannabis3When it was first proposed, the concept of marijuana legalization seemed solid enough. Take the world’s most popular illicit substance, establish a taxed and regulated marketplace and watch all of the evil associated with the herb – the criminal activity, the youth consumption – fade away into a footnote of American history. And by all accounts, it was a plan that should have worked. Considering all of the insanity surrounding the cannabis trade, it’s hard to argue that marijuana legalization is working. It should be, but the scene is just too convoluted. Sure, the polls show the majority of the U.S. population supports marijuana legalization. But that doesn’t mean they will buy it legally once it happens.

  • colorado marijuanaColorado’s first-in-the-nation experiment has reshaped health, politics, rural culture and criminal justice in surprising ways that often defy both the worst warnings of critics and blue-sky rhetoric of the marijuana industry, giving a glimpse of what the future may hold as more and more states adopt and debate full legalization. Some families rattled by their children’s marijuana problems have moved, seeking refuge in less permissive states. But over all, state surveys do not show an increase in young people smoking pot. And while low-level marijuana charges have plummeted, the racial divide in drug arrests has persisted.

  • mexico diputados 2021Desde 2018, la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) reafirmó que, al ser una medida desproporcionada que atenta en contra del derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, la prohibición absoluta del uso personal de cannabis prevista en la Ley General de Salud (LGS) es inconstitucional. La SCJN ordenó al Congreso de la Unión modificar o derogar la prohibición de la cannabis en un plazo de noventa días naturales. No obstante, el Congreso incumplió el mandato. En este escenario, es fundamental cuestionar, ¿por qué el Congreso ha sido incapaz de legislar? En este artículo ofrecemos un repaso detallado de cuál ha sido el actuar de nuestras legisladoras y legisladores en el proceso de regulación de la cannabis en México.

  • brazil flag cannabisBrazil has fast-tracked a draft law that would legalize the cultivation of medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp. South America’s largest economy leads the world in several commodities markets, and some politicians say its farmers are keen to expand into hemp. The endeavor to revise Brazil’s cannabis laws began in 2015 with a proposed law that focused on the commercialization of cannabis-based drugs. Last month, Deputy Paulo Teixeira submitted a new version of the bill to the head of the lower chamber. The replacement text expands the so-called legislative project by proposing that the cultivation, processing, research, storage, transportation, production, industrialization, commercialization, import and export of medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp be allowed in Brazil.

  • ireland cloverIt is inevitable that cannabis will be legalised in Ireland in the coming years. It may take five years or even longer for the prohibition to be fully lifted but it is an utter fallacy to suggest this country will resist the inexorable trend that has taken hold in the United States, Canada, Spain and other western countries. Legalisation is coming, no matter what Irish policymakers may say about the prospect now. Doctors and campaigners and those who work in criminal justice will argue it out. But they are not the only ones driving the agenda. Once blue-chip international capital begins swirling around an issue – and this has already begun here – the die is basically cast.

  • south africa pondolandSouth Africa’s cannabis conversation is shifting into a new gear, with Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on the record as pushing for full legalisation. Such a move will be welcome, with plenty of economic potential to unlock. But other experiments with legal, regulated pot usage, and uniquely South African circumstances, highlight the potential risks as well. There is the question of small-scale farmers, which the South African government would clearly hope could find opportunities in a formal dagga economy. Neither Colorado nor Canada have millions of subsistence farmers tilling tiny plots in impoverished rural areas such as the former homelands — but even in affluent jurisdictions where pot is legal, smaller producers are finding the costs of entry prohibitive.

  • mexico legalizarla2El líder del partido oficialista Morena en el Senado, Ricardo Monreal, espera que antes de diciembre se apruebe una ley para el uso recreativo de la droga, que permitiría a firmas privadas reguladas venderla al público. La industria legal del cannabis ya es un comercio mundial de miles de millones de dólares, y algunos grandes jugadores, incluidos Canopy Growth y The Green Organic Dutchman, de Canadá; y una unidad de la californiana Medical Marijuana Inc, están ansiosos por acceder al nuevo mercado mexicano. Si bien una industria del cannabis en crecimiento promete ser una máquina de hacer dinero, enfrenta la resistencia de los activistas que están preocupados de que las regulaciones favorezcan a las grandes corporaciones, a menudo extranjeras.

  • dollar cannabisQuien decidía invertir en los últimos años en acciones de productos estadounidenses derivados del cannabis se sentía un poco como un buscador de oro. Algunas acciones crecían sin parar, produciendo ganancias de varios miles por ciento. Por ejemplo, las de Canopy Growth, el mayor productor del sector, que registraron un alza del 290.000 por ciento. Pero de ese auge inicial parece ya no quedar demasiado: la burbuja del cannabis se desvanece en el aire, y con ella, ese mercado perdió valor por cerca de 35.000 millones de dólares. Las acciones de Aurora Cannabis fueron unas de las más afectadas, con pérdidas del 60 por ciento. Canopy Growth perdió casi 375 millones de dólares.

  • canada cannabis stock broker2Los títulos de compañías enfocadas al sector de la cannabis tuvieron un 2020 complicado ante un mercado que no termina de consolidarse y algunos problemas de las emisoras para entregar cifras financieras que den mayor certidumbre a los inversionistas. El EQM Global Cannabis Index, que refleja los movimientos de precios de las acciones de empresas globales que cotizan en Bolsa y que participan en la industria de la cannabis tuvo una caída en 2020 de 6.92%, de los 41.34 puntos en que finalizó el 2019 a los 38.48 enteros en que cerró el año pasado, según cifras de Refinitiv. Las acciones de la canadiense Aurora Cannabis, productora, distribuidora y comercializadora de cannabis medicinal cayeron el año pasado 68.34% en la Bolsa de Toronto.

  • cannabis plant3Aunque no se hable de él, el mercado del cannabis en España existe. Pero poco se sabe de él, y el Gobierno no hace mucho por aportar información inequívoca sobre cómo se gestiona actualmente. El Ejecutivo, que lo regula mediante la concesión de licencias para cultivar cannabis a través de la Agencia Española del Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS, la agencia, como se conoce en el sector), ofrece una respuesta diferente cada vez que da una cucharadita de información. Además, nadie en el sector conoce con exactitud los requisitos que se exigen para conseguir una licencia, que se han convertido en la posesión más preciada del sector: según los escasos datos (y de nuevo erráticos) del Ejecutivo, la concesiones no llegan al 5% de las solicitudes.