
  • Morocco’s House of Representatives adopted today Bill 13.21 on the legal use of cannabisfor medical purposes. The bill received a majority of votes (199) against 48 votes, who  voted no. The Justice and Development Party (PJD) was the only party of the government majority who rejected the bill. Morocco’s government first adopted bill 13-21 on March 11. The decision to adopt the bill made Morocco the first African country to allow the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes. The Ministry of Interior said in a statement the bill will benefit farmers by raising their incomes. The bill is expected to create “promising and stable job opportunities,” it argued.

  • morocco cannabis5After Morocco’s historic “yes” vote on cannabis at the UN last Thursday, the path towards legal cannabis has widened. However, obstacles still exist. Morocco supported declassifying cannabis from Schedule 4, which contains the most dangerous drugs deemed to have no medical use. Morocco’s vote recognized the medicinal value of cannabis, a move that many saw as evidence Morocco could be on a path to legalization. In the midst of an economic crisis driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, Morocco could see cannabis as a way to boost tax revenue and stimulate the hard-hit tourism sector. Producers in Morocco illegally export roughly $8.8 billion of the cash crop annually, according to BBC estimates.

  • noureddine-medianeLe président du groupe de l’Istiqlal à la Chambre des Représentants, Noureddine Mediane, évoque la nécessité pour l’Etat de revoir son système répressif contre les 200.000 familles vivant du cannabis. "La culture du cannabis est toujours considérée comme un sujet tabou au Maroc. Je pense que nous devons rompre avec cet état d’esprit. D’où mon idée de lancer un débat national sur cette culture si répandue dans notre pays. Ce débat doit trancher si nous devons maintenir cette culture ou la faire disparaître définitivement."

  • cannabis europaLa colaboración entre grupos criminales dedicados al tráfico de cannabis está creando “nuevos riesgos de seguridad” en Europa, donde el mercado de esta droga tiene un valor de al menos 11.400 millones de euros al año y mueve productos “cada vez más potentes y diversos”. Un análisis publicado por Europol y el Observatorio Europeo de Drogas y Toxicomanías (OEDT) señala que el del cannabis es el mayor mercado de drogas en Europa, y se estima que unos 22,6 millones de adultos europeos de entre 15 y 64 años han consumido esta sustancia en el último año. Las cantidades incautadas en la Unión Europea (UE) alcanzaron en 2021 sus niveles más altos en una década.

  • fair trade cover sLos cambios políticos ocurridos en los últimos cinco años han reconfigurado dramáticamente el mercado del cannabis. No solo ha habido un boom sin precedentes en el mercado medicinal sino que, siguiendo los cambios políticos en muchas jurisdicciones, un número creciente de países también se están preparando para la regulación legal del uso no medicinal. Tales movimientos son impulsados por el reconocimiento de la inefectividad probada de las políticas represivas durante décadas, que han acarreado graves consecuencias negativas y apuntan a proporcionar un amplio rango de beneficios en términos de la salud y los derechos humanos.

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  • prohibited plants coverAcross the world, the state of environmental stress is unprecedented. As scholarship and activism on ‘environmental justice’ points out, poorer and marginalised communities face particular exposure to environmental harms. This holds particularly true for populations in the global South. The role of illicit drugs in relation to these environmental stresses is an underexplored terrain. Yet, as this report will argue, drugs, as well as the policy responses to them, are an environmental issue.

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  • morocco parliament cannabisShould draft legislation clear the final hurdles in the next few weeks, Morocco could become the second Arab country to legalize cannabis. Lebanon was the first in 2020. Cannabis legalization has been suggested before in Morocco. It is hard to know whether the draft law will pass, Khalid Mouna, an associate anthropology professor at Moulay Ismail University in Meknes. Mouna said that had mostly been a tactic to gain the support of voters in deprived cannabis-growing areas. This time could be different, said Tom Blickman, a researcher on international drugs policy for the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute. "I think it's serious because the initiative comes from the government, and behind the government is the palace," he said, referring to the Moroccan royal family. "Previous proposals came from the opposition."

  • morocco parliament cannabisThe Moroccan government is planning to discuss two draft laws submitted by the Party of Authenticity and Modernity (PAM) to «reduce the prosecution of farmers» and «legalize the production of cannabis». The first proposed law was submitted in 2014 by the party’s councilors, while the second one was proposed by PAM representatives in 2015. The Justice Minister Mohamed Ben Abdelkader and senior members from the party will hold talks on January 8 regarding the two draft laws, PAM’s MP Larbi El Mharchi said on social media. (See also: Modiane : «Le gouvernement n’est pas encore prêt» à légaliser la culture du cannabis | Légalisation du cannabis : le PAM déterre deux propositions de loi à la deuxième chambre | La culture du cannabis soulève une tempête au sein du gouvernement)

  • rise-decline-coverThe cannabis plant has been used for spiritual, medicinal and recreational purposes since the early days of civilization. In this report the Transnational Institute and the Global Drug Policy Observatory describe in detail the history of international control and how cannabis was included in the current UN drug control system. Cannabis was condemned by the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs as a psychoactive drug with “particularly dangerous properties” and hardly any therapeutic value.

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  • La nécessité d’inscrire les noms des personnes poursuives pour trafic de cannabis dans les zones du Nord sur la liste des bénéficiaires de la grâce royale est une revendication du Parti de l’authenticité et de la modernité (PAM) et de l’Istiqlal (PI). Les groupes parlementaires de ces deux formations politiques ont ainsi réitéré cette demande, à en croire Hespress. Le parti de la Balance a alerté sur le fait que les détenus dans ces affaires «ne bénéficient pas de la grâce comme d’autres prisonniers», notant qu’il existe «des crimes plus abjects et dont les auteurs bénéficient de l’amnistie». (Lire aussi: Le nombre d’affaires liées à la drogue explose)


10-year Review  20 1998 UNGASS  26 2005 CND debate  8 2016 UNGASS  126 2019 HLM  5 activism  38 afghanistan  25 hide
africa  14 albania  14 alternative development  120 alternatives to policing  2 amnesty  89 amphetamine  1 amsterdam  30 appellation of origin  3 argentina  32 asean  9 ATS  15 australia  109 austria  5 ayahuasca  6 bahamas  4 ballot 2012  155 banking  52 barbados  11 belgium  46 belize  10 bermuda  15 bhang  15 bolivia  118 brazil  95 brownfield doctrine  24 burma  45 california  216 cambodia  12 canada  543 cannabinoids  107 cannabis  3255 cannabis clubs  230 cannabis industry  417 caribbean  148 caricom  33 cbd oil  1 central america  5 chile  21 china  46 civil society  37 CND  131 coca  220 cocaine  95 coffee shop  230 cognitive decline  30 colombia  160 colorado  163 compulsary detention  19 conflict  4 conventions  277 corporate capture  59 corruption  5 costa rica  10 crack  55 craft cannabis  31 crime  92 czech republic  54 dark net  4 death penalty  3 decertification  1 decriminalization  935 deforestation  11 denmark  132 drug checking  41 drug consumption rooms  193 drug courts  22 drug markets  147 drug policy index  2 drug testing  7 drug trade  60 e-cigarettes  1 e-joint  2 ecstasy  70 ecuador  22 egypt  16 el salvador  2 environment  38 eradication  129 essential medicines  25 estonia  2 eswatini  7 ethiopia  3 european drug policy  119 expert advisory group  9 extrajudicial killings  95 fair trade  16 fentanyl  84 france  119 fumigation  27 gateway theory  29 georgia  3 germany  217 ghana  18 global commission  46 greece  19 guatemala  32 guatemala initiative  47 harm reduction  348 hemp  44 heroin  139 heroin assisted treatment  80 HIV/AIDS  61 home cultivation  124 honduras  4 human rights  259 ICC  1 illinois  10 incarceration  53 INCB  143 india  102 indigenous rights  1 indonesia  35 informal drug policy dialogues  22 inter se modification  17 iran  14 ireland  16 israel  63 italy  42 jamaica  176 japan  3 kava  4 kazakhstan  5 kenya  11 ketamine  27 khat  37 kratom  33 kyrgyzstan  1 laos  2 latin american debate  115 law enforcement  432 lebanon  43 legal highs  64 legalization  1709 lesotho  10 local customization  11 luxembourg  60 malawi  4 malaysia  7 malta  58 medical cannabis  665 mental health  45 methamphetamine  49 mexico  211 Mid-Term Review  1 mild stimulants  46 money laundering  55 morocco  128 naloxone  16 nepal  7 netherlands  341 new york  34 new zealand  67 NIDA  5 nigeria  1 nitrous oxide  9 norway  18 NPS  10 opinion polls  132 opioids  153 opium  94 oregon  29 overdose kits  4 pakistan  9 panama  5 paraguay  4 pardon  2 patents  18 peace  24 peru  45 peyote  3 philippines  89 pilot project  137 pleasure  5 poland  2 police pacification  18 portugal  68 potency  2 precursors  7 prevention  3 prison situation  101 prohibition  158 proportionality  110 psychedelics  13 psychosis  57 puerto rico  3 racism  29 reclassification  119 recriminalisation  42 regulation  1454 russia  36 sacramental use  11 safe supply  36 safer crack  29 scheduling  29 scientific research  145 sdg  2 security  14 senegal  1 sentencing  67 singapore  7 social justice  83 somalia  7 south africa  83 spain  81 st lucia  9 st vincent and grenadines  31 substance-use disorder  20 substitution treatment  31 sweden  31 switzerland  162 synthetic cannabinoids  31 taxation  58 teen use  43 thailand  78 thresholds  64 tobacco industry  17 traditional growers  162 tramadol  17 treatment  29 trinidad & tobago  15 tunisia  14 UK  282 UN Common Position  1 UN drug control  444 UNGASS  58 UNODC  111 uruguay  146 US drug policy  1192 vaping  2 venezuela  5 vietnam  5 violence  134 WHO  66 world drug report  11 yemen  6